What did you do this past week?

Lauren J
2 min readSep 14, 2020

I started the collatz project. I worked through the workflow. Most of it was actually pretty intuitive. I found that the process for this class is very similar to the workflow used at my internship.

What’s in your way?

I’m still working on optimizing my collatz code so that it passes the 2nd and 3rd tests. I’ve still got some ideas on how to optimize it, so hopefully it will pass once I implement those.

What will you do next week?

I’m expecting that we will be forming groups and starting to understand the requirements for the second project.

What was your experience of Collatz, the starter code, the makefile, its optimizations, and exceptions? (this question will vary, week to week)

Collatz has not been too bad. When Professor first introduced the project and all the tools we would be using, I thought it would take me forever to get the hang of the workflow. The instructions were pretty helpful, though. I’m glad the code was simple as well. Though, I think the readability is also due to python being a very readable language.

The makefile still baffles me a little. I wish I had a better understanding of the operations you can define in a makefile and the sort of tasks the makefile should be doing.

What made you happy this week?

My roommate made jericalla (her-i-cah-yah) and it felt like I was eating clouds. The custard’s irregular texture felt like the puffs of a cloud. The consistency was slightly different each bite. Some felt firm like cumulonimbus clouds while others were looser like cirrus clouds. I highly recommend having a roommate who is good at cooking.

What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?

My laptop is dual booted with windows and manjaro. I downloaded discord for linux. It came in a tar.gz file, and when I unzipped the tar.gz there was a directory with the discord executable inside. You can run discord by running the executable from that directory, but I wanted to be able to launch discord from my favorites bar. It turns out that gnome has a super easy way to add applications to the launch menu. If you go to /usr/share/applications there are a bunch of .desktop files in the directory. If you create a new .desktop file, you can create a new application. The .desktop file is short and simple as well. The main component is defining the path to the executable. I thought it was pretty cool how simple it was to make new applications within Gnome.

Name=<Application name>
Comment=<Application comment>
Exec=<path to executable>
Icon=<path to image for the icon>

